Crafting a Personal and Unique Message to Encourage Young Readers
Consider drafting a tailored message that offers words of encouragement to young readers. Assure them that their dear friend is doing well and thriving.
Example of your dedication
Additional cost:
$ 2.00
Maximum Characters: 150
Note:this personalized page is for physical books only.
The dedication goes on the first page of the book, it will be completed on the “Checkout” screen in the “Choose the type of book you are purchasing below” section as you can see in the following image.
Here you must select the “Physical with Dedication” option, after which you can select the quantity you are purchasing and in the next field you can enter the dedication. If you buy more than one copy of these you can specify which dedication is for each book in this last box.
More Examples
150 Words MaximunOnly a maximum of 150 words can be inserted as a dedication, and it can only be made in physical versions.