Doggy Heaven's in the Sky
Kitty Heaven's in the Sky

Dealing with the Loss of a Pet: Doggy and Kitty Heaven's in the Sky

Losing a pet can be a sensitive topic, especially for children. The inspiration for Doggy Heaven’s in the Sky came from the real-life loss of Lynn Barbarite’s Golden Retriever, Cody. The book was created to help Lynn’s four-year-old son understand that euthanizing a dog means that it goes to a place called doggy heaven. In this magical place, all dogs’ pain goes away, and they can slide down rainbows. Similarly, Kitty Heaven’s in the Sky was written to help young children cope with the loss of their feline friends.

Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and it can be especially challenging to explain the situation to a child. However, there are ways to ease the pain. Consider using a children's picture book to help your little one cope with this difficult experience.
Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and it can be especially challenging to explain the situation to a child. However, there are ways to ease the pain. Consider using a children's picture book to help your little one cope with this difficult experience.

Our books

Doggy Heaven
Book Below

In this heartwarming illustrated tale, a young boy grapples with losing his dog and learns where four-legged friends go when their time comes.

Tony and his dog Cody are the best of friends, inseparable companions who share adventures and create lasting memories together. But when Cody falls seriously ill, Tony faces a heart-wrenching decision. Desperate to cure his pup, he takes Cody to the wise Doggy Doctor, who delivers difficult news: Cody must journey to a special place in the sky called Doggy Heaven, where he’ll romp and play free of sickness.

Kitty Heaven
book below

This is my cat Boots. She’s my best friend.
We do everything together.

A children’s story about a child who recognizes her cat is ill. Upon taking the cat to the vet, the child learns what Kitty Heaven is. The child discovers the cat would be happier and healthier in heaven. Kitty Heaven is a beautiful place for sick cats to become healthy again and where they can run and play, but never forget the child. The child talks about Kitty Heaven to her cat. Together, child and cat decide Kitty Heaven is a better place to be.

What happens when a boy's beloved pup grows too sick to stay?

What happens when a boy's beloved pup grows too sick to stay?

Doggy Heaven's in the Sky

What happens when a boy's beloved pup grows too sick to stay?

In this heartwarming illustrated tale, a young boy grapples with losing his dog and learns where four-legged friends go when their time comes.

Dealing with the Loss of a Pet: Doggy and Kitty Heaven's in the Sky

Losing a pet can be a sensitive topic, especially for children. The inspiration for Doggy Heaven’s in the Sky came from the real-life loss of Lynn Barbarite’s Golden Retriever, Cody. The book was created to help Lynn’s four-year-old son understand that euthanizing a dog means that it goes to a place called doggy heaven. In this magical place, all dogs’ pain goes away, and they can slide down rainbows. Similarly, Kitty Heaven’s in the Sky was written to help young children cope with the loss of their feline friends.

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What Clients Say

Losing a pet can be a sensitive topic, especially for children. The inspiration for Doggy Heaven’s in the Sky came from the real-life loss of Lynn Barbarite’s Golden Retriever, Cody.